Fans Debate Whether ILLIT’s Yunah Has A Different Image Than The Rest Of The K-Pop Group

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Now that HYBE Labels‘ new girl group, ILLIT, has officially debuted, the members have been getting a lot of attention from the public, both in positive and negative ways. They’ve already been met with some controversy due to parts of their choreography being similar to other K-Pop groups, but the overall reception to their debut song “Magnetic” seems to be good.

ILLIT_Super_Real_Me_group_concept_photo_8ILLIT | HYBE Labels

Since the members were chosen by the survival show R U Next?, it’s not a surprise that netizens would have strong opinions on whether or not the “right” contestants were chosen to end up in ILLIT. And already, it seems that some people believe at least one of the members would have been better-suited for a girl group with a different kind of concept.


For their debut song and album, SUPER REAL ME, the aesthetic is similar to other popular trends in K-Pop right now with Y2K, girly, and almost doll-like vibes. It has actually gotten them comparisons to NewJeans already too, but that’s not the focus of this writing. Some fans feel like oldest member Yunah (who is in the third picture below) would be better suited for a girl crush or other more mature kind of concept, rather than the one that ILLIT is going for.

i1| Instiz i2| Instiz i3| Instiz i4| Instiz i5| Instiz

She’s not that much older than the rest of the members — she’s 20, and the second-oldest member, Minju, will also be 20 in a few months — but while she undoubtedly has pretty visuals, it seems that some people just don’t think they’re the right kind of visuals for ILLIT, at least for the time being.

ILLIT-Super-Real-Me-The-1st-Mini-Album-Concept-Photos-documents-1| HYBE Labels

Here’s how people are reacting on a forum post discussing the topic. Most people seem to agree with the OP, and that Yunah would have been more appropriate for a different kind of girl group.










There are a few people who disagree with the original sentiment of the post, though there are far fewer comments on this side of the discussion.





It will be interesting to see how ILLIT’s concept develops over their career and whether or not it changes to “better suit” Yunah’s visuals type!


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