BL K-Drama Actors Unpaid After Casting Director Allegedly Pocketed Talent Fees

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Actors of a BL (Boy Love) K-Drama have stepped forward, revealing that they were unpaid.

The K-Drama in question is Love for Love’s Sake, adapted from the Webtoon Love Supremacy Zone written by Aquram and Hwacha. It aired from January 24-February 1, 2024.

LoveForLovesSake_Poster“Love for Love’s Sake” poster

Love for Love’s Sake starred former MYTEEN member Lee Tae Vin (The Penthouse) as Tae Myung Ha, Cha Joo Wan as Cha Yeo Woon, Oh Min Su as Chun Sang Won, and former TO1 member and Boys Planet contestant Cha Woong Ki (also known as Woong Gi) as Ahn Kyung Hoon.

29-year-old Tae Myung Ha experiences a baffling twist of fate when he finds himself transported into a video game, inhabiting the body of a teenager. His sole mission is to bring happiness to a character named Cha Yeo Woon – or face death.

— IMDb

Main cast ofThe main cast of “Love for Love’s Sake”

On March 21, KBS News reported that supporting cast members allegedly had not received any talent fees. They were allegedly unpaid because a casting director had pocketed what would have been their talent fees. While the K-Drama aired a couple of months ago, it has already been half a year since filming concluded, so actors should have been paid by now.

As some actors are still reportedly unpaid, they have attempted to contact the production team concerning the matter. Yet, the company stated it has already paid thirteen actors’ salaries.

The actors allegedly did not directly receive appearance fees, though. According to reports, the money was given to a casting director, who allegedly introduced actors discovered from an acting academy to the production company.

The acting academy is blaming the actors themselves, stating it is their fault because they, unfortunately, did not sign a contract. They hadn’t worked out or confirmed a talent fee in failing to sign a contract. However, the academy spoke to the casting director on behalf of the actors. It was then that seven, not everyone, received ₩3.00 million KRW (about $2,250 USD) in payment.

The casting director has defended themself. They claimed it was all a misunderstanding because they allegedly received the cast list late, so they intend to contact and pay every actor soon.

Meanwhile, the remaining actors who reportedly have yet to receive their talent fees are taking action. Last week, they filed complaints to the authorities.


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