Are Korean Reality Shows Justified For Body Shaming Celebrities? Netizens Debate

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Actor Lee Jang Woo made headlines due to his noticeable weight gain in four years. He joined the variety show I Live Alone in 2019 and earned praise for his classic good looks.


In 2023, however, he went viral after an image comparing his looks then versus when he first appeared on the show highlighted his weight gain. Some netizens suggested that he shed some pounds, citing health and visual concerns.

  • “Well… He did gain a lot of weight. No? At that size, he should be worried about his cholesterol and blood sugar stats. I want him to be happy, but I also want him to be healthy. Hopefully, he’ll find a good balance.”
  • “He used to be a good-looking 30-year-old man. Now he’s just an ahjussi.”

unnamed (2)

He responded online saying that he was well aware of the criticism that he was receiving. He then promised to lose the weight that he gained in 2023.

I know a lot of people don’t like how much I’ve been eating. I get a lot of DMs on social media, telling me to stop eating. But food is how I relieve stress. I don’t have other obsessions. I don’t have other desires. I am the happiest when I eat, so I’m doing that. Please don’t criticize me for it.

I started running. I’ve been fed too well, especially by Jun Hyun Moo and Park Na Rae. But my sabbatical ends with 2023. So I’m working on myself again. Kian84 [completing a full marathon] has been a huge inspiration, too.

— Lee Jang Woo


International K-Variety show fans had various point of views regarding this body shaming culture in K-Media. They shared their thoughts on the Reddit community r/koreanvariety.

Check them out below.

1. In Defense of I Live Alone

It is the Norm

First up, several netizens commented that it is sadly the norm in South Korea to be so open about criticizing another person’s weight. They noted that it is a part of their culture to point out that someone gained weight, making jokes especially on variety shows.

byu/Careless_Lawyer_1453 from discussion

byu/Careless_Lawyer_1453 from discussion

byu/Careless_Lawyer_1453 from discussion

It is Planned

They also added that many of the body-shaming comments are likely part of the script made by the rest of the program’s team. It is possible that the cast did not mean to say anything hurtful but were required to do so as part of their job.

byu/Careless_Lawyer_1453 from discussion

[Video could not be displayed]

They noted that he consented to having this image of an overweight man anyway.

byu/Careless_Lawyer_1453 from discussion

byu/Careless_Lawyer_1453 from discussion

There’s a Lesson Involved

Above all, they liked how I Live Alone emphasized the health aspect of Lee Jang Woo’s weight loss journey.

byu/Careless_Lawyer_1453 from discussion

byu/Careless_Lawyer_1453 from discussion


2. Against I Live Alone

At the same time, many agreed that it was distasteful of the show to essentially fat shame their cast member. They noted that all the members of his group in the variety show “have a fair share of fat shaming.”

byu/Careless_Lawyer_1453 from discussion


They felt terrible at how comedians need to “debase themselves” in order to gain work.

byu/Careless_Lawyer_1453 from discussion

Though they understand that talking about another person’s weight is more prevalent in Korean society, they do not agree with it and believe that the show is “excessively bringing in his weight into it.”

byu/Careless_Lawyer_1453 from discussion


What is your stance on the matter?


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