HYBE To Release Photocards That Dissolve In Water — Netizens Criticize

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HYBE will be rolling out a new plan to become more environmentally friendly. The problem of wastage has risen drastically in K-Pop over the past few years. With K-Pop gaining global fame, more albums are being purchased. Along with the high cut-off point for fansigns and the like, many albums are going to waste. Fans buy albums in bulk for a chance at meeting their idols, then discard them inappropriately. In addition, the random nature of photocard inclusions leads to over-purchase. This has led to much criticism regarding K-Pop.

allkpop_1639629462_20211215-albumsDiscarded NCT albums by the street. | Nate Pann

Plastic use due to K-pop albums has gone up 14 times over the past 6 years, according to The Korea Times. To combat this, HYBE will be rolling out their new albums made of recyclable materials with ILLIT‘s 1st mini album, SUPER REAL ME. This continues from their Weverse Album Version, which has been around for the past few years. The Weverse Versions contain a QR code to listen to the tracks instead of a plastic CD. You can also view other content, such as photos digitally.

For ILLIT’s upcoming album, they will be using a renewed version of the Weverse Album Versions. All of the packaging and inclusions will be made from sustainable materials. The plastic wrap for the album will be made of corn starch, which can be broken down naturally. The paper casing and photo card will be made of a special coating that can melt well in water. Even the QR card which used to be made of plastic will be made with paper instead. All of the ink is made from bean oil.

SVTALBSVH-WWG-coverfSEVENTEEN’s Weverse Album Version.

This will be applied to future HYBE albums as well. On the other hand, fans are worried. Although they support the environmentally-friendly initiative, this will make photocards susceptible to the elements. All photocards currently are coated with waterproof material. This allows fans to let the cards get a little wet without harm.

IMG_6380Fan dipping the photocard in water.

While fans already baby their photocards, this new material does not give any room for accidents. If water gets onto the card by mistake, fans could lose their hard-earned possession.

Netizens weighed in on the initiative.

Screenshot 2024-03-19 at 10.32.00 AMNetizen comments. | theqoo
  • We’re telling you to just reduce the number of versions instead…
  • You can simply just not make the inclusions random…
  • Aren’t you just increasing the number of versions by one more?
  • Don’t people buy them for the photocards? The problem are the albums, so what are you doing dissolving the photocards?
  • Who dissolves a photocard? Just make the albums dissolvable.
Screenshot 2024-03-19 at 10.49.10 AMNetizen comments. | theqoo
  • We’re asking you to reduce the number of photocard versions…
  • Why would you do that to the photocards…
  • This is because it isn’t a solution to the basic problem, but just outdated eco-marketing…
  • Just get rid of the random system for inclusions…

Many continue to criticize their plan as they are unable to solve the base of the problem, and instead have failed to recognize what the consumer values the most.


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