Se So Neon Apologizes To Fans For Performing At SWSX Festival

The Korean indie rock band Se So Neon has apologized for participating in the 2024 South by Southwest (SXSW) Festival.

The band, consisting of members Hyunjin and So!YoOn! was previously criticized by fans for their decision to move forward with the SXSW performance, despite many reaching out to them, asking for a withdrawal. Over 100 artists on SXSW’s roster pulled out of the event, citing its sponsorship by the US Department of Defense and other major players in the defense industry, including RTX, Collins Aerospace, and BAE systems. This massive boycott by artists was done in solidarity with Palestine, where the ongoing onslaught on civilian lives has been directly connected to these entities.
Over 100 artists and guest speakers have withdrawn from the South by Southwest (SXSW) music festival in Austin, TX.
They cited the involvement of weapons manufacturers and the US Department of Defense in the event, which are directly implicated in the genocide of Palestinians.
— BreakThrough News (@BTnewsroom) March 14, 2024
Up until the last moment, fans of Se So Neon were hopeful that the band would also pull out of the event but were left disappointed when it didn’t happen.
se so neon not backing out of sxsw despite 95+ artists backing out after finding out the “involvement of weapons manufacturers and the US Department of Defense in the event, which are directly implicated in the genocide of Palestinians”
— sugawa⁷ (@sugawainscoting) March 15, 2024
se so neon liking an artist’s post about why they withdrew from the sxsw festival and then proceeding to perform there despite calls for them to drop out is crazy
— ⁷
(@closerish) March 16, 2024
I have decided I will not be sharing any photos, videos or content for SESONEON, Audrey nuna, ETC at SXSW because of their involvements being against Palestine. I stand with Palestinians and I do not condone this. I'm very disappointed in soyoon and hyunjin for not pulling out.
— Daily SE SO NEON (소윤&현진)
(@soyoondaily) March 16, 2024
However, after the performance, the official social media accounts of the band put out a statement of apology, mentioning that they were unaware of the situation owing to the insufficient coverage of Gaza by South Korean media. They expressed their regret at not being able to monitor fans’ messages properly as well and clearly stated that they stand against the “brutal events taking place in Gaza.”
So! Yoon! also put out a statement through her personal Instagram, apologizing for being unaware of the situation and sternly asserting that moving forward, she will not be singing at events that support any kind of war or indiscriminate violence.

Hey, guys.
Violence of any kind is never acceptable, and no death should ever be deemed inevitable. I take the issue of war and indiscriminate slaughter very seriously. I’m ashamed to admit that while in Korea, I wasn’t fully aware of the details and seriousness of this boycott. I’ feel a strong desire to raise more awareness and stand in solidarity with all the atrocities happening worldwide when I go back to Korea. Arriving in Austin and hearing firsthand accounts from local friends made the boycott situation more vivid for me. While I felt embarrassed by the fact that I didn’t have much choice, all I could do was my best, which, in this case, meant singing. Moving forward, I’ll ponder what I can do in the face of all the cruelty and violence in the world. Perhaps singing is the answer. Peace is always at the heart of my songs. But at least I won’t sing where it supports war. That’s my deeply felt stance.
— So!YoOn!
The apologies were highly appreciated by fans. However, many noted that it wasn’t up to non-Palestinian members of their fanbase to accept the apology. Some fans also hoped that other Korean artists could follow suit and bring more awareness about the dire situations in Gaza through their platforms.
not my place to accept the apology, but this once again makes me believe that loving someone means speaking up and educating them if they're in the wrong. really hope she fulfils that promise and uses her platform to raise awareness in korea.
p a b o⁷
(@aegyoeobta) March 16, 2024
it’s not my place to accept their apology but i’m glad that they at least addressed it
— pao⁷ (@jmnyves) March 16, 2024
it’s not my place to accept their apology but i’m glad they are at least reflecting on this and take accountability. this is why you should educate your favourite artists and keep spreading information about palestine across all social media so it reaches more people
— ayin
(ia) (@haedaleclipse) March 17, 2024
If Soyoon knows about the boycott, that means Namjoon and Hobi and other Korean artists who follow their insta will be begin to be better informed too
— salka⁷
(@twt_Salka) March 17, 2024
se so neon & soyoon put out a statement expressing regret & apologising for their participation in sxsw. this is the first apology taking some type of ownership from a Korean artist and while it is nobody except Palestinians’s apology to accept, I hope more k-artists follow suit
— sugawa⁷ (@sugawainscoting) March 16, 2024