“Marry My Husband” Villainess Makes “Knowing Bros” Host Cry

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In the latest episode of JTBC‘s Knowing Bros, hit K-Drama Marry My Husband‘s actors Song Ha Yoon and HIGHLIGHT member Lee Gikwang appeared.

431981366_973171864173544_600307849745396327_nActress Song Ha Yoon | @jtbcbros/Instagram

Re-creating some of her most viral moments as the K-Drama’s villainess, Song Ha Yoon wowed the hosts with her undeniable acting skills. But it was not until the final moments of the episode that Knowing Bros and viewers got to see Song Ha Yoon’s greatest act.

A Three-Second Scene In “Marry My Husband” Gains Massive Attention

After all the fun, comedian Kang Ho Dong asked if the guests had fun. Song Ha Yoon thanked the hosts for a great time and, to all of their surprise, asked to make a small surprise announcement.

[Video could not be displayed]

I had a lot of fun, too! And… If it’s not too much to ask, could I please have a moment to make a small announcement? I don’t think I’ll get a chance to do something like this unless I do it here.

— Song Ha Yoon

Then, Song Ha Yoon addressed the viewers, thanking them for supporting her dream and letting her act. As the actress’s voice began shaking, comedian Kim Young Chul also began tearing up.

[Video could not be displayed]

THANK YOU SO MUCH, EVERYONE! Thank you for watching our show and showing it a lot of love. As an actress, my only dream is to act. And with the support of the viewers, I was able to make my dream come true once again. I could not be happier. And I promise, going forward, that I’ll continue to work harder! Thank you. THANK YOU!

— Song Ha Yoon

The internet adored the clip of Song Ha Yoon moving Kim Young Chul to tears—with K-Drama fans rooting for the actress’s endeavors!

Screenshot 2024-03-16 at 5.59.44 PM| theqoo
  • “What the heck, man! T-T She’s so adorable and this is heartwarming. I hope I get to see her more often in other great shows! She’s so good at acting.”
  • “You were so amazing with the role, sending you a lot of support!”
  • “I’ve been a fan of Song Ha Yoon for the longest time… Ever since she started taking on small roles, I wanted nothing but for her to take on a big, main role. I’m so glad that she landed the villainess role and more people found out about her. It means she should be getting more lead roles! She’s so genuine with her passion for acting. Also, please watch Devilish Charm. Song Ha Yoon is super adorable in that show. I wish the best for her!”
  • “This is making ME tear up, too.”
  • “I’ve loved her ever since she debuted under the other name. I hope she continues to be successful!”
  • “Oh man, I’m tearing up. I’ve known about her, but I was mind blown when I saw her act in Marry My Husband. I hope she continues to land more roles. And I’m going to make sure I watch all of her future works.”

Watch the full clip here.


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