The Actress Who Went From School Bullying Victim To K-Drama Star

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A seasoned Korean actress is living a charmed life these days, but it wasn’t always that way.

274039720_331036832285687_5089600228887581360_nPark Ha Sun | @mintsungrace/Instagram

Actress Park Ha Sun, who was once a victim of school bullying, received praise from fans for sharing her high school photos on Instagram. The actress captioned this photo, “Even before opening my Cyworld, a friend sent me these treasures. I do not look 17 here, even with my uniform on, lol.

img_20220511110016_b55d78daPark Ha Sun | @mintsungrace/Instagram

In her pictures, the actress is seen smiling in her uniform, her signature beauty shining bright.

img_20220511110018_c07802f0-2Park Ha Sun | @mintsungrace/Instagram

Since Park Ha Sun shared the photos not long after revealing her past as a bullying victim, fans can’t help seeing those photos in a whole new light.

fi-52Park Ha Sun | @mintsungrace/Instagram 279926091_703548867635254_5097335378738274337_nPark Ha Sun | @mintsungrace/Instagram

Park Ha Sun revealed that her bullies only stopped tormenting her because they failed to get a reaction from her. The memories have stayed with her even after all these years.

I was a victim of school bullying. My bully hid my desks and threw away my books. They also wrote on my desk in front of me with chalk, but I never reacted. They stopped after telling me that I had become ‘no fun.’ However, that memory has stayed with me for a very long time.

—Park Ha Sun

Park Ha Sun overcame her past difficulties and achieved her dreams. She became a much-sought actress, but also a wife and mother. In 2017, she married her husband, fellow actor Ryu Soo Young.


2017012301040_0Ryu Soo Young (left) and Park Ha Sun (right) | Key East


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