Are Korean Reality Dating Shows Pointless? Netizens Weigh In

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Korean dating shows are taking over the internet. The three seasons of Netflix‘s Singles Inferno, for instance, went viral among local and global netizens.

allkpop_1640722762_untitled-1Singles Inferno | Netflix

Others like I Am Solo and Transit Love also have their own cult followings. These shows feature celebrities and non-celebrities finding love with each other.

0c55fd1a03c3641bd1377b8009bad387b4af5163c96d8011ac0de58b3225590dI Am Solo | Netflix

According to Reddit community r/koreanvariety, Korean dating shows can either be worthwhile or not. Weigh the pros and cons with them below.

1. Cons


First up, certain netizens find reality dating shows pointless. They lure in viewers with the premise that the cast members will find love with one another, but their goal is actually to create drama for increased viewership.

byu/Ujibea from discussion

At the end of the day, “The main purpose of dating shows is entertainment for viewers.”

byu/Ujibea from discussion

Inauthentic Relationships

Related to this, many believe that the cast exaggerate their relationships or fake having good intentions in order to gain fans. They are there “for money/fame” and this is treated as an open secret among viewers.

byu/Ujibea from discussion

2. Pros


On the other hand, this kind of entertainment is exactly what many are seeking. The most obvious reason why people tune in to Korean dating shows is to root for their favorite couples. Some rare ones even end up together long after the show ends, and this makes it worth watching to many.

byu/Ujibea from discussion

I Am Solo, for instance, features couples that have even gone on to have children together.

byu/Ujibea from discussion

Besides this, it is also fun to watch reality shows even if the cast members are there for reasons other than finding love. Netizens suggested to begin viewing these programs with the thought that they are not truly based on reality, and once this is acknowledged, they will be even more entertaining.

byu/Ujibea from discussion

byu/Ujibea from discussion


Finally, for a select few, watching dating shows based in Korea can help them live out their fantasies as people who did not experience romance growing up.

byu/Ujibea from discussion

Which side are you on?


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