Concerning Footage Of BLACKPINK Rosé At The Airport Causes Anger Among Netizens

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BLACKPINK Rosé‘s return to Korea sparks concerns after a video is gaining attention.

384077602_214459634977662_380582BLACKPINK’s Rosé | @roses_are_rosie/Instagram

Rosé has been extremely busy with so many appearances, whether it’s for fashion week or the 2024 Oscars.

After a while abroad, netizens couldn’t hide their excitement when it was announced that Rosé would be returning to Korea.

When Rosé arrived, netizens couldn’t get over the idol’s visuals as she greeted fans, but they quickly noticed two people walking behind her. Of course, as Incheon is such a busy airport, many assumed they were other passengers.

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Yet, fans noticed as Rosé walked closer to fans, they also picked up their pace, leading some to think they were her staff.

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It became a cause of concern when the two people suddenly left their suitcases and started running after Rosé into the crowd of fans taking photos.

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They were even spotted when Rosé was outside as they had grabbed their suitcase and ran again.

[Video could not be displayed]

Yet, while some netizens initially joked that the situation was relatable AF, it quickly became a clip that caused concerns among netizens. In particular, netizens worried about Rosé because the two came from inside the airport, and seemingly could’ve been her flight, and ran to take photos, making people think they were sasaengs.

Many BLINKs shared their concerns, even adding that the female had been seen before when Rosé had returned from the airport. With situations getting more serious when idols return from schedules, it isn’t surprising that videos are causing concerns.


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