The 3 Important Things Chungha Spent Her Money On After Hitting It Big

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Chungha recently made a comeback with “EENIEE MEANIE” after being on hiatus for several years. She is one of the most successful soloists in K-Pop, having released hit songs such as “Gotta Go,” “Rollercoaster,” and “Snapping” which quickly went viral.

The former IOI member has earned a significant amount of money throughout her career. Though she didn’t specify just how much this is, she did share the different ways she spent it in an interview with Radio Star.

Chungha, I heard that you are flexing properly after your success?

— Host

Check out her answers below!

1. Debt

First up, Chungha often spends her earnings on her family. She was able to remove the stress of debt hanging over her single mother’s head after she became successful.

My family had a bit of debt. Yes, we had debt but I paid it all off.


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2. Assets

Keeping in line with the theme of practical expenditures, Chungha spent on her family yet again. This time, after removing the burden of debt, she treated her mother to her own house and car.

It’s not a super grand house or anything but I gifted my mom a house and a car.


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She wanted to give back to her since she had a difficult time raising her alone in the United States.


3. Charity

Finally, instead of spending on herself, the soloist donates a portion of her money to charity. She is the type of person who finds greater joy in giving rather than receiving.

I’ve been donating a bit as well.


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Check out the full video below!


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