Actress Michelle Yeoh Addresses Allegations Of Emma Stone “Disrespecting” Her At The “2024 Oscars”

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Oscar-winning actress Michelle Yeoh has addressed allegations that Emma Stone was disrespectful to her.

335915574_238194245246207_317730Actress Michelle Yeoh | @michelleyeoh_official/Instagram

On March 10, the 2024 Oscars (Academy Awards) were held, and Michelle Yeoh announced that Emma Stone had won best actress.

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As Emma made her way to the stage, netizens watching the show accused the actress of being disrespectful to Michelle. They thought Emma ignored the veteran actress before trying to get fellow actress Jennifer Lawrence to give her the award.

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After she greeted the other actresses on stage warmly, many thought the interaction with Michelle seemed half-hearted.

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After the ceremony, Michelle Yeoh posted a series of photos from the event, including the moment Emma Stone received the award.

Snapinsta.app_432094064_18421459858025065_7113857798980172134_n_1080| @michelleyeoh_official/Instagram Snapinsta.app_430333883_18421459873025065_475774487827756952_n_1080| @michelleyeoh_official/Instagram Snapinsta.app_432056921_18421459888025065_5685014646477333695_n_1080| @michelleyeoh_official/Instagram

In the caption of the photos, Michelle explained that she wanted to share the moment of handing the award with Emma’s best friend, Jennifer Lawrence, seemingly shutting down the allegations of disrespect Emma Stone had received.


Yet, while many on social media praised Michelle for setting the allegations straight…

Comments on the Instagram post were very different. Many believed that Michelle shouldn’t have had to make a post and that no matter what the explanation might have been, Emma Stone’s behavior was still disrespectful, pointing at the fact it was a microaggression.





You can read the full story below.

Top Hollywood Actors Receive Criticism For Allegedly “Disrespecting” The Asian Celebrity Presenters At The “2024 Oscars”


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