BTS Jungkook’s Gigantic Calvin Klein Billboards Worldwide Are Going Viral For The Most Unexpected Reason

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BTS Jungkook‘s Calvin Klein billboards are going viral for the most unexpected reason.

FqCcVZNWIAIJQ9SBTS’s Jungkook | @jungkook.97/Instagram

Since Jungkook became a brand ambassador for Calvin Klein, the idol has sent netizens into meltdown with his unreal visuals and aura. Recently, the brand released photos for their spring collection, and Jungkook is just as handsome as ever. The photos were taken at Grand Central Station in New York.

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jungkook-calvin-klein-zz-240215 (3)

Netizens have shared that there are multiple locations worldwide where Calvin Klein has used these images for giant billboards to advertise the brand. Of course, it has become a hot spot for any BTS fan.

The reason that billboards have become a hot topic is because of ARMYs’ reactions to seeing them. On social media, fans shared photos of themselves in big groups reacting to the large advertisements with Jungkook’s face on it.



When the pictures were posted, netizens couldn’t get over the hilarious ways ARMYs have been reacting to the billboards. Considering how big they are and the visuals Jungkook radiated, it might become the newest viral trend.

It wouldn’t be surprising if billboards became a viral hot stop for ARMYs, and then it was a trend for them to react to Jungkook with a large group of friends.


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