The “Sweet Home 2” Actress Who’s So Muscular Even Song Kang Was Shook

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Netflix‘s horror K-Drama Sweet Home recently returned for season two and excited viewers with its well-done action scenes and emotional moments. Giving fans more things to enjoy, the cast shared some behind-the-scenes stories, including the actress who was so fit even Song Kang was a bit jealous.

sweet home 2 netflix kdrama news 1“Sweet Home 2” cast. | News1

During an interview for the K-Drama, actresses Go Min Si and Lee Si Young mentioned that Song Kang often asked the cast if he looked different after his workouts. They joked about the actor “checking himself out in the mirror” and “flexing his muscles” during breaks in filming. Although they acknowledged his transformation from a boy to a man for the new season, someone else naturally gained attention for their muscles.

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Song Kang proved Lee Si Young’s dedication to working out by revealing that she always keeps dumbbells by her side and uses them every time they’re preparing to film.

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Lee Si Young’s intense exercise paid off because Song Kang was so impressed by her back muscles that he said, “Her lats always look furious.” He wasn’t the only one surprised by her determination to be fit.

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Idol-turned-actor Jung Jin Young surprised the cast by revealing he had the same trainer as Lee Si Young and was impressed to learn she could “lift super heavy weights.

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Despite how busy married life can be, especially when raising a child, Lee Si Young doesn’t let that stop her from being in the best shape of her life. Anyone would be jealous of her ripped abs and toned arms.

actress lee si young @leesiyoung38 1Lee Si Young | @leesiyoung38/Instagram actress lee si young @leesiyoung38 2| @leesiyoung38/Instagram

Listen to the cast share more stories about filming the second season.


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