What Happened To “TaeTae Language?” BTS’s V Reveals How He Changed

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Throughout the last decade of BTS‘s career, V has grown up from a quirky boy to a mature young man. In a recent livestream, he shared a big part of him that changed.

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RM, Jimin, V, and Jungkook sat down for a final livestream before their upcoming enlistment. When Jimin was stumbling over his words, he joked that he was using “TaeTae Language” because he’s with V.

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“TaeTae Language” refers to V’s cute way of speaking where he often combines words to make new ones.

Sometimes, he can also say things in a unique way that may be hard to understand. However, it always makes perfect sense to him!

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However, V revealed that he thinks his “TaeTae Language” is a thing of the past! He believes his speaking has improved overtime.

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In the beginning of BTS’s career, he would get advice from the members. His heart rate would be so high that he couldn’t speak well!

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However, since so much time has gone by, V is now confident in his speaking abilities.

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The members even referred to him as the best speaker and complimented his intelligence.

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However, it seems like Jimin is the new member using “TaeTae Languae!” He jokes that he hasn’t gone out much and his speaking skills have suffered.

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We’re going to miss V’s cute “TaeTae Language” moments!

Read more below.

BTS’s V Goes Live For Only 3 Minutes — And His Bestie Jimin Still Makes An Appearance


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