Popular Singer Recalls Disturbing Details Of Her Sexual Harassment By The Military

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Korean singer Mina, a former member of the popular co-ed group Space A, recently talked about the sexual harassment she suffered while performing in the military.

minakoreaMina | @minakorea/Instagram

Mina is a first-generation K-Pop artist whose career was kickstarted after she became popular through an appearance at the 2002 FIFA World Cup. She later went on to become a representative sexy female soloist in the industry with hits like “Turn” and “Answer the Phone.”

On December 5, the singer was reunited with other Space A members, Kim Hyun Jung and Hong Young Joo, as the three joined E Channel’s variety show Noldeon Unnie as guests. During the episode, Mina recalled the upsetting incident that happened around the time she gained popularity through the World Cup. She was invited to attend an event at a military base where she was taken advantage of while on stage.

I suddenly became popular after the World Cup, so I also had many anti-fans at that time. But when I went to (perform at) the military base, I enjoyed it a lot since they cheered for me. They held a handshaking event for a limited number of people on a first-come, first-serve basis. So, dozens of people rushed to the stage and formed a circle, and someone rubbed my breasts from behind.

— Mina

The singer remembered that she didn’t report the perpetrator because he was very young, but it turned out the harassment was planned by multiple soldiers together.

From the military police to the manager, everyone came running to me. Since they were so young, I asked for leniency and didn’t drag it to the guardhouse. However, the crime worsened. It wasn’t just one person who did it by chance, but they planned it all together.

— Mina

Lee Ji Hye, another veteran artist of the K-Pop industry, acknowledged Mina’s story, saying that female singers are often subjected to harassment due to the nature of their jobs.

Since female singers also have to show their sexual side, they often suffer such difficult situations. When I go to events, people try to grab and touch me.

— Mina

Meanwhile, Mina, also known by her real name Shim Mina, became a pop culture icon during the 2002 FIFA World Cup after pictures of her wearing a bandana as a top and the Korean flag as a skirt set the whole world on fire. She was already working as a backup dancer with artists like J Y Park and Park Ji Yoon, but 2002 gave her a big break, and she signed a record deal with J-Entercom Entertainment.

download - 2023-12-06T230831.887“Miss World Cup” Shim Mina | tistory.com


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