Everyone’s Favorite Comedic Actor Shocks Netizens With His “Red Flag” Villain Role In Upcoming K-Drama

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When it comes to K-Drama stars, there’s always one actor who has captured the hearts of netizens with his roles, and it’s Lee Yi Kyung.

350259714_937286947561028_288803Actor Lee Yi Kyung | @luvlk89/Instagram

Since debuting, some of his most iconic roles and appearances have showcased him as a comedic genius. In particular, one of his well-known roles was as Lee Joon Ki in Welcome To Waikiki, where he made netizens LOL with his iconic lines.

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Even when doing reality shows or his iconic TikTok account, Lee Yi Kyung is always known for his comedy…


R U Okay…? #이이경 #leeyikyung #키위랩 #kiwelab

♬ Melody of Memories – Duta Arranger Korea


그녀의 착각???? #이이경 #leeyikyung #키위랩 #kiwelab

♬ 참나 어이가 없어서 – BGM President

Until now!

One of the newest shows set to air is called Marry My Husband, starring Park Min Young.

393096475_373636071782689_984820The poster for “Marry My Husband” | @luvlk89/Instagram

The show has already gained attention after Min Young’s dramatic transformation to portray someone living with cancer.

screenshotPark Min Young in recent shots from the show


In the webtoon, Kang Ji Won (Park Min Young’s character) is suffering from an unhappy marriage, and it gets worse when she is diagnosed with cancer. Surprisingly, the role of the selfish husband Park Min Hwan is actually played by Lee Yi Kyung.


Recently, a trailer for the show was released, showcasing the tumultuous bond between Park Min Young and Lee Yi Kyung’s character.

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When the trailer was posted online…


???????? #marrymyhusband #parkminyoung #nainwoo #leeyikyung #kdrama #webtoon #revenge

♬ Shameless – ♪

Netizens couldn’t hide their shock at seeing Lee Yi Kyung playing a “red flag.” Although many joked that they couldn’t take the actor seriously considering his past, others were excited to see him in a completely different role.




For many, it will be a shock to the system to see Lee Yi Kyung in such a different role, but he will undoubtedly shine.

You can read more about the show below.

Actress Park Min Young Drops To 37 Kg — Shocks Netizens With Her Unrecognizable Transformation For A New Role


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