HYBE’s Recent Announcement Regarding BTS Sparks Outrage

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A recent announcement from HYBE regarding BTS has sparked outrage amongst fans.

FVSc9KMUEAAu5dDMembers of BTS | @bts_bighit/Twitter

In 2021, HYBE teased ARMYs with a new project from BTS called “Artist-made Collection.”

It was revealed that the members of BTS had created their own merchandise for fans.




The HYBE merch was legendary as it sold out instantly, with some even joking that the company must’ve made only a few because it was in what wasn’t even seconds.

After such a buzz and hype over the merchandise, it would be expected that HYBE’s recent announcement about restocking the items would be greeted with excitement.

Yet, while in the past, the announcement would’ve been greeted with excitement, it has instead sparked backlash and criticism from netizens for several reasons.

On December 5, BTS’s RM, V, Jimin, and Jungkook did their final live together ahead of their enlistment. While it was chaotic, it was unsurprisingly emotional for ARMYs as it would be the last time for a long time to see the members.

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Considering the merchandise tweet was shared just over twelve hours after the broadcast, many thought HYBE was playing on their emotions. Some even noticed that the prices had been increased. If the merch was like gold dust, ARMYs would want it even more considering their emotions about the members enlisting.

Along with playing on the “emotions” of fans, the announcement also came at a time when fans were boycotting HYBE for decisions surrounding the artists BTS collaborated with. In particular, some of the artists working BTS’s Jungkook have sparked debate over their zionist views.

For many, the timing seems more than just a coincidence.


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