Number Of Drug Offenders Reaches Shocking All-Time Record In South Korea

컨텐츠 정보



The alarming rise in drug-related offenses in South Korea has reached a critical point, as new data reveals a dramatic surge in the number of drug users. According to a recent announcement by a special interagency investigation team, the first ten months of this year have seen a nearly 50% increase in drug offenses compared to last year, setting a new record high of over 20,000 cases.

drugs yonhap

This stark increase is not just a shocking number — it reflects a growing trend that poses serious concerns for public health and safety. From January to October, authorities apprehended 22,393 individuals for drug crimes, a significant leap from the 15,182 recorded in the same period last year.

These figures, released by the investigation team formed in April to combat the rise in drug crimes, underscore the urgency of the situation.

lee sun kyun“Parasite” star Lee Sun Kyun admitted to taking drugs unknowingly.


A notable aspect of this trend is the significant increase in drug smuggling and illicit manufacturing offenses. This year, 7,301 offenders were convicted for such crimes, marking an 82.9% increase from last year. This suggests not only a rise in drug usage but also an escalation in the scale and sophistication of drug trafficking operations.

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Alarmingly, a large proportion of these offenders are young people. In 2023, 1,174 teenagers and 6,580 individuals in their 20s were caught for drug offenses, accounting for 34.6 percent of the total. This is a sharp rise from the 5,041 young people implicated last year. The investigation team attributes this worrying trend to the ease of online drug dealing, especially through social network services, the dark web, and direct overseas purchases.

yoo ah inActor Yoo Ah In was indicted for habitually using illegal drugs on 181 separate occasions. | News1


In response to the growing drug problem among youth, the police conducted a special drug inspection from March to November. The Supreme Prosecutors Office has also pledged to take strict actions against the abuse of medical-purpose drugs like Fentanyl and Pethidine, which are increasingly misused.

gd drugBIGBANG’s G-Dragon was recently embroiled in a drug scandal. He tested negative in testing.

The rise in drug offenses in South Korea also brings to mind various past incidents where celebrities were embroiled in drug scandals. These high-profile cases have often brought the issue of drug abuse into the public eye, highlighting the pervasive nature of this problem in all strata of society.


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