The Two Most Heavily Divided “Hit Or Miss” K-Pop Songs Produced By J.Y. Park, According To Fans

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K-Pop is such a broad genre of music that pretty much anyone can find at least one artist or song that they enjoy. Some songs are definitely more overall liked by the general public, though, while others tend to only appeal to a more niche crowd.

Recently on a forum post, a K-Pop fan shared what they believe to be the two songs produced by JYP Entertainment‘s J.Y. Park that had the most strongly divided opinion among fans. These two songs definitely had strong “hit or miss” reactions among their listeners, with most people seemingly either hating them or loving them with not much variety in between.

og-2J.Y. Park | JYP Entertainment

The first of these two songs came out in all the way back in 2017, and is one of TWICE‘s earliest title tracks. Right away, there were definitely a lot of people who didn’t immediately enjoy the song as much as some of their previous hits, such as “Cheer Up”, “TT”, or “Heart Shaker”.

And while it did end up growing on many people, there are still plenty of fans who will seemingly never enjoy “Signal”.

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The other song mentioned is a more recent one by a different JYP Entertainment girl group. Released in mid-2021, the ITZY track has pretty much a totally opposite aesthetic to “Signal”, but that didn’t keep it from getting the same kind of love or hate reaction from fans. Though many were impressed by the girls’ strong dance abilities and their gorgeous outfits for the era, others just couldn’t get over the rap and lyrics.

We’re talking, of course, about “Mafia in the Morning”.


It’s not just the author of the post that agrees with these choices, either. The comments section is filled with conflicting opinions, with fans sharing their love or hate for one song or the other.








How do you feel about “Signal” and “Mafia in the Morning”?


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