Han So Hee Proves Her Unbelievable Popularity By Selling Out A Decade-Old Book

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As one of the top actresses in South Korea currently, Han So Hee holds a lot of influence over the public, and recently, it was proven once again in an unexpected manner.

xeesoxeeHan So Hee | @xeesoxee/Instagram

Apart from her beauty and acting skills, Han So Hee is often praised for her sincere attitude toward fans and the honesty in the way she communicates with them. Previously, she won the internet’s heart for her brutally honest answer to fans asking how to get as skinny as her.

More recently, the actress’s good influence came to the surface in the form of a book recommendation. In November, she interviewed with Esquire Korea, where she mentioned The Book of Disquiet as her current fascinating read. According to reports on November 4, that same book has been witnessing a massive spike in demand in the market.

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Spring Day Books, the publisher of the Korean version of the book, verified that this surge in the book’s sales came right after Han So Hee’s interview was published. It has already sold out on popular e-commerce platforms like Aladin and Yes24. The sudden outburst of interest caused the publisher to send the book for urgent reprinting, and currently, it can only be purchased through pre-orders in South Korea!

download - 2023-12-06T063819.226| Rakuten Kobo

Though it is not new for stars to influence a book’s sales through recommendations, this case is a little more special. The Book of Disquiet is a whopping 800-page long and is already a decade old. It is by a Portuguese author named Fernando Pessoa, who put together approximately 480 prose-poetry musings and called it a “factless autobiography.” The book was published posthumously, left unedited by the author.

download - 2023-12-06T063408.041Fernando Pessoa | Wikimedia Commons

In her interview, Han So Hee mentioned that the book has left a deep impression on her, especially in her understanding of anxiety. Notably, The Book of Disquiet is often referred to as “The Book of Anxiety” by Korean publishers for its extensive content dealing with the subject matter. The Korean version, often praised for its polished prose, has been translated by Bae Sua.

download - 2023-12-06T063632.253The Korean title of the book, “Buraneui Chaek,” which translates to “Book of Anxeity” | Yes24

After the reports of the book selling out were made public, netizens highly praised the actress for using her influence in a meaningful manner and her inner beauty.


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