IVE’s Wonyoung Gains Attention For Her “Manga-like” Proportions And Visuals

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IVE’s Wonyoung recently attended the 2023 Melon Music Awards with the other members. For a special medley performance version of their hit songs, Wonyoung was decked in black and gold. The royal-looking outfit suited her perfectly!

IMG_4075| @for_everyoung10/Instagram

Her hair was held high in a ponytail with long waves. The rhinestone-encrusted ribbon added a princessy touch.

IMG_4079| @for_everyoung10/Instagram

She posed for photos under the main stage.

IMG_4080| @for_everyoung10/Instagram

Even in the bleak, stuffy backstage area, she shone like a star!

IMG_4081| @for_everyoung10/Instagram

What amazed netizens even more than her face was her body proportions. Just standing up, she looks even more unreal than a manga character!

IMG_4077| @for_everyoung10/Instagram

With legs for days and a slim upper body, she truly looked as if she sprung out of a magazine.

IMG_4076| @for_everyoung10/Instagram

Netizens couldn’t help but heap her with praise. A post raving about her visuals soon hit close to 50,000 views.

IMG_4078Netizen comments. | Nate Pann
  • She looks like a manga character. So pretty.
  • She’s a manga character.
  • Wonyoung looks more like a manga character than an actual one. Princess.
  • Really an idol.
  • No, but where else would you get such a foxy rabbis kitty princess fairy?
  • I gasped at the third picture as I scrolled down. She’s too pretty to believe.
  • Why is she so pretty?
  • She’s not human.

Wonyoung has definitely reached inhuman levels of beauty!


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