The Era SHINee’s Taemin Felt He Finally Showed His “Own Identity”

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After over two years, SHINee‘s Taemin made his long-awaited solo comeback, releasing his fourth mini-album Guilty on October 30.

To celebrate the new release, the SHINee maknae appeared on the new variety program Curator and opened up about his trainee days, what he misses about SHINee’s earlier years, and his successful solo career.

397957790_857643486068094_3474015422353137236_nSHINee’s Taemin | @xoalsox/Twitter

During the episode, Taemin was shown items in an “art gallery” that represented different stories about the SHINee member.

One of the items was a mystery box, which was packed with items representing his solo releases.

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Taemin revealed that his “rule-breaking” ways helped him earn SM Entertainment‘s attention and praise, becoming the first member of the group to officially make their solo debut with his mini-album ACE in 2014.

bsz6fv27rpb81_restoredSHINee Taemin’s “ACE” concept photo | SM Entertainment

After hearing about the effort Taemin went through to improve his skills and earn his solo debut, Curator host HoonD presumed that Taemin’s favorite solo song was his debut single “Danger.”

Instead, Taemin named “MOVE” as his “most loved solo song.

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Although “Danger” launched Taemin’s solo career, it was “MOVE” that made Taemin feel like he was “able to show [his] own identity.

During the episode, Taemin also discussed turning 30 and revealed the hilarious fansign interaction that had him feeling his age.

The Fansign Interaction That Had SHINee’s Taemin Feeling His Age


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