The Three Members For Special Collaboration Between (G)I-DLE, IVE, & aespa Allegedly Revealed

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Yesterday, the YouTube channel M:USB released an unexpected and exciting teaser for a collaboration between three of the top K-Pop girl groups currently: (G)I-DLEIVE, and aespa.

The collaboration is for a single called “NOBODY”, and it’s believed that it was produced by both domestic and international songwriters in the music industry.


As soon as it was revealed that one member from each group would be participating in the collaboration, fans started speculating who the trio would be made up of. There are so many talented idols between the three groups with unique skills in different areas, and combination would be fun and undoubtedly a hit!

gi-dle-comeback-i-never-die-release-date-studio-album-2022(G)I-DLE | Cube Entertainment IVE-for-VOGUE-Korea-January-Issue-2023-documents-2IVE aespa-2023-Season-s-Greetings-SCANS-documents-1aespa | SM Entertainment

On November 7, news outlets began reporting that the trio would be made up of SoyeonWonyoung, and Karina from (G)I-DLE, IVE, and aespa respectively. While this apparently hasn’t been completely confirmed, it seems to be a pretty strong bet that this is the group who will be releasing “NOBODY”.

64798fd9e464997d9aefdd3d-pSoyeon ((G)I-DLE) | SBS 653b4abea273c120918f4e4e-pWonyoung (IVE) | SBS 62eccb7f21168b1c9002b363-pKarina (aespa) | SBS

The song is set to release on November 16, and in the days leading up to that date, M:USB will be releasing teaser images and videos to build hype for the exciting collaboration.

Stay turned for more information about this unexpected but welcome project!


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