Actress Diana Flipo Is Asked About BLACKPINK Lisa’s Contract Renewal Status With YG Entertainment — Gains Attention For Her Answer

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One of the biggest waiting games right now is the topic of BLACKPINK‘s contract renewal status with YG Entertainment. While the members’ contracts seemingly expired in August 2023, there have been no actual statements about whether they resigned.

In particular, with her recent activities, Lisa‘s status has been the most anticipated with rumors the idol has other companies interested in signing her.

380808287_319240314094374_864866BLACKPINK’s Lisa | @lalalalisa_m/Instagram

After her iconic Crazy Horse performance, more questions were raised as netizens thought it signaled she was no longer signed to YG Entertainment.

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Amidst all the uncertainty, Lisa’s future has become such hot news that even those closest to the idol are being asked about her contract.

One of Lisa’s closest friends is actress Diana Flipo. Over the years, the two have shared some heartwarming interactions with fans.

EDTMsfbUEAIEZqN.jpglargeDiana and Lisa | @dianaflipo/Instagram main-qimg-8228e3f20030efe2826696| @dianaflipo/Instagram 221201-Diana-Flipo-Instagram-Upd| @dianaflipo/Instagram a005919ce5366f05174dc9d6092a8a79| @dianaflipo/Instagram

Recently, Diana appeared at an event in Thailand, and netizens were shocked when she was asked about Lisa’s YG contract.

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According to fans, Diana replied with grace as she explained that nobody knows and that they should give Lisa time because when they meet, she never speaks about things like that. She even added that the Thai media should wait and they will find out when everyone else does.

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When the video was posted with the translations…

Netizens couldn’t hide their anger at the press for asking a question to Lisa’s friend, but also praised Diana for her neutral response and not giving in to the questions for “clout.”

While the world waits with bated breath for the final statement from YG Entertainment about BLACKPINK’s contract renewal, it will always be a hot topic. Yet, it does seem unfair that those closest to the members get asked about it in the hope of spilling some exclusive news.



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