Actress’s Plastic Surgery Nightmare Costs Her Acting Jobs And So Much More

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Chinese actress Gao Liu made headlines for her nightmare plastic surgery story that turned the tip of her nose blackened with dead flesh.

Screenshot 2023-10-23 172747Gao Liu (Before)

Prior to her nose job, she wished to have a “micro-adjustment” to graft cartilage onto the tip of her nose. However, after going to an unlicensed plastic surgeon, she could have never predicted what kind of results she would get.

145186687_2203337503134482_1192480450424720247_nGao Liu (Before) | Weibo

The tip of her nose became infected and required various follow-up appointments, resulting in a patch of blackened dead flesh on the tip of her nose.

Screenshot 2023-10-23 172752Gao Liu (After) | Weibo

She shared photos on Weibo, warning netizens of the rare potential danger one may face by undergoing plastic surgery, especially by choosing an unlicensed doctor.

Screenshot 2023-10-23 172816Gao Liu (After) | Weibo

She revealed that the aftermath of the surgery damaged her career by costing her various acting jobs and even left her with suicidal thoughts. She initially refused to leave her months for the first few months after her surgery.

145320395_2203337479801151_3875397557067329270_nGao Liu (After) | Weibo 

Additionally, the dead flesh on the tip of her nose has scabbed and fallen off multiple times. Doctors also had to remove a piece of cartilage to save the remainder of her nose.

Screenshot 2023-10-23 172809Gao Liu (After) | Weibo 

Multiple doctors informed Gao Liu that it’s impossible for her to ever completely recover. However, she can likely heal her nose to 70-80% back to normal in time.

nj6-dataGao Liu (After) | Weibo

Since then, both Gao Liu’s nose and outlook has improved. Though it may never be the same, she eventually decided to show her face to warn others not to go to unlicensed plastic surgeons.

gl-4-dataPresent day Gao Liu | Weibo

Currently, she’s undergoing laser treatment and will eventually go for reconstructive surgery.

gl-3-dataGao Liu (Before) | Weibo


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