Netizens Have Mixed Reactions To A Fan’s Gift To ENHYPEN’s Heeseung After The Group’s Concert

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Netizens have had mixed reactions to a gift given to ENHYPEN‘s Heeseung after one of the group’s concerts in America.

F7KibkbbYAAinHGENHYPEN’s Heeseung | @ENHYPEN_Members/Twitter

After the group’s shows, they are given the chance to interact with fans during a special “Send-off” event, and there have been some truly iconic moments.

Yet, one clip has gained mixed reactions from netizens.

The video that has gained attention from both Korean and international fans saw Heeseung being confused after being handed a wad of money. Although the staff took it off him and handed it back to the fan, Heeseung was seen to thank the ENGENE before being moved away.

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While some fans found the gesture absolutely hilarious, especially how confused Heeseung looked…

Other fans had more negative reactions to the gesture. One fan explained that not only was it extremely disrespectful but also added that it could be deemed “racist.”

When many questioned why, they linked to another fan explaining the “tipping culture” in Korea, and why some idols might find it offensive.

Others just found it disrespectful and thought that the best way to showcase appreciation for an idol is through words.

Some also explained how the events had changed, with the members having more limits put on them because of some of the fans’ actions.

Of course, there have been some truly amazing moments from the ENHYPEN send-off events. Yet, while actions like this might be acceptable toward Western artists, fans believe it might not have the same meaning to K-Pop idols.


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