7 Times IVE’s Jang Wonyoung Revealed Her Tiny Waist And 11-Line Abs

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When it comes to visuals, few idols have captured the attention of netizens quite like IVE‘s Jang Wonyoung! Going viral for her incredibly toned physique, she’s always leaving fans in awe of her enviable abs and tiny waist. Check out some of her best moments showing her physique below.

1. Strutting through the airport

Wonyoung unveiled her impressive 11-line abs at the airport in a matching Miu Miu set.

Your browser does not support video.IVE’s Jang Wonyoung 

Her strong core is the result of hard work — and lots of Pilates!

a| Dispatch b| Dispatch

2. On stage during IVE’s world tour

Recently, she left fans in awe of her physique at the kick-off concert of the group’s Show What I Have world tour.

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Her casual outfit featured a cropped hoodie and sweatpants, revealing her perfect abs!

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3. “Love Dive” ending fairy

This iconic ending shot of Wonyoung is all the workout motivation we need!

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4. “After Like” performance video

Wonyoung went viral for her tiny waist, emphasized by her strappy crop top and unique cut-out pants.

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Check out the still shot of her abs!

d| Starship Entertainment

5. “Love Dive” two-piece

In all white, Wonyoung looks angelic…

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…but her ethereal face contrasts with her toned abs!

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6. A sneak peak of muscle at the airport

In her IZ*ONE days, Wonyoung flashed a sneak peek of her abs in a white t-shirt and jeans.

izone-wonyoung-abs-3| Land of blest

The outfit is simple, but Wonyoung still slays!

izone-wonyoung-abs| stay delight izone-wonyoung-abs-4| stay delight 

7. “After Like” concept photo

Her strong core was the talk of the town when she stepped out in a cropped tank top and high-waisted denim for the concept photos of “After Like.”

dd| Starship Entertainment


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