Plastic Surgeon Proposes To Woman Post-Surgery After Seeing How Beautiful She Became

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A South Korean woman didn’t only get a new face after plastic surgery, but a marriage proposal as well!

Hyun Jang Jin once revealed in a local television program focusing on cosmetic surgery that she suffered greatly due to having so-called masculine looks. She originally sported a large square jaw, small lips, and close-set eyes.

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She noted that she had a difficult time attracting the attention of the opposite sex, not receiving a single confession for over 30 years. She was also bullied by people who called her “stupid” due to her appearance.

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Due to her lack of funds, she reached out to her old university for a loan to help with her plastic surgery costs. The results were jaw-dropping!

Hyun Jang Jin walked across the program’s stage with a huge smile on her new face. She reacted shyly the applause that the crowd heaped on her.

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The woman in question amazed viewers with her freshly feminine appearance. From a square jaw to a v-shaped one, the biggest change was her slimmer face.


She also had her eyes and nose touched up to give them a more dainty appearance.

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While her features were still recognizable, she was notably more feminine.

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At thirty three years old, she finally felt proud of herself.

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Amazingly, love soon followed afterwards as well. A doctor from the same hospital she was confined in apparently proposed to her after her surgery!

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At the end of the day, the best part about Hyun Jang Jin’s journey was her renewed confidence in herself.

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