Girls’ Generation Seohyun’s Behavior Towards Staff Showcases Her True Personality

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Girls’ Generation‘s Seohyun gave everyone a peek into her relationship with her staff during their guest appearance for The Manager (also known as Omniscient Interfering View). They were candid about what kind of boss the idol-turned-actress was.

girls generation seohyun 2Seohyun

Seohyun’s central team of staff members are called the Onsagong-vengers (loving princess protectors). There are four members: her manager Kang Ro, stylist Yu Jeong, makeup artist Seo Yeong, and hairstylist Bo Ra. As her most trusted staff, they were happy to share Seohyun’s true personality.

girls generation avengers staff managerSeohyun’s staff, including her manager.

Kang Ro revealed that all five of them were extremely close. He praised Seohyun for never getting upset, taking care of them in various ways, and always being cheerful. Proving Kang Ro’s words, Seohyun showed it with her behavior towards them.

We’re very close. She treats us so well. She never got angry at work, and she doesn’t show us she’s tired. I don’t think I ever saw her throwing a tantrum.

And since she also buys us tasty food and such, we all became her fanatics. Even when she tells us to rest, we won’t rest and stick right next to her.

—Kang Ro

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On their way to a photo shoot, Seohyun made sure Kang Ro had a healthy breakfast by giving him orange juice and nuts. As if that wasn’t caring enough, he revealed that Seohyun had spent an entire year bringing him a vitamin-packed breakfast.

She also gives me presents to help me. She thinks I’m living unhealthy, so she’s been giving me nuts and juice for breakfast for an entire year.

— Kang Ro

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Her manager wasn’t the only staff member she paid close attention to. During a meal break for the photo shoot, Seohyun made sure Bo Ra and Kang Ro cleaned their hands properly before eating.

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Further proving how kind and caring Seohyun is, she shared the steak and lobster she’d received, placing it on their plates before taking a bite of her own food.

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Seohyun’s true personality is just as caring and gentle as she seems. No wonder her staff members adore her so much.


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