“Is She Experiencing Mental Duress?” — Netizens Express Concern Over Han So Hee’s New Piercings

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Actress Han So Hee recently debuted some new piercings. Through a live stream, she revealed dual piercings near the lips, also known as “snake bites.” She also showed off two dermal piercings under her eye.

Many reacted positively, loving the hot new look on her. Known for her girl crush vibes, Han So Hee’s new piercings only served to rake in more fans.

Despite this, netizens have been expressing their concern for the star. They wonder if the piercings were indicative of any mental duress the star might be facing. Some even compared her to Nana, who once shocked the world with full-body tattoos at the height of her acting career. Others urged netizens to stop the speculation and explained why Han So Hee had gotten them done. Han So Hee has expressed during a live stream herself, that it was a personal choice to try out something new.

Screenshot 2023-09-26 at 1.27.03 PMNetizen reactions. | Nate Pann
  • She did them because she wanted to try something she’d never done before. She has thoughts of maintaining them if they help her next work, and she’ll remove them when she has to. And what lip fillers? They’re just swollen.
  • Han So Hee looks like she’s having a super hard time mentally. I think that it’s why she’s trying to resolve it like Nana.
  • Nana resolved her mental duress with tattoos too. I wonder if the same is with Han So Hee.
  • Rather than getting piercings due to mental duress, I think it’s just the style she likes. Something like the Hongdae disease (street style commonly seen in Hongdae). In her pre-debut pictures, she had many tattoos and there was also one taken with a cigarette in her mouth…
  • What lip fillers, f*ck? She said they were swollen from the piercings, you mentally ill b*tches.

Fellow actress Nana (formerly of After School) also received attention when she first revealed her stunning tattoos. Tattoos are widely considered taboo for actresses due to having to pull off various roles. Hence, many were opposed to Nana’s new ink back then.

unnamed-9Nana’s tattoos.

She later revealed that she was in the process of removing the tattoos. She got inked during a difficult period of time in her life, and when she felt more stable, she agreed to her mother’s request of removing the tattoos. As she felt at peace, Nana realized she didn’t need the tattoos any longer. You can read more about Nana’s emotional journey with tattoos below.

After School’s Former Member Nana Is In The Midst Of Removing Her Tattoos — Here’s The Reason Why



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