Netizens Are Ecstatic To See A Famous Korean Actor On His First-Ever Variety Show — 25 Years After His Debut

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After 25 years since his debut, actor Yoo Seung Ho is making his first appearance on a variety show.

Snapinsta.app_321159405_1550180608742532_7565318896063074980_n_1080Actor Yoo Seung Ho | @dandyoo93_official/Instagram

Yoo Seung Ho debuted in 1999 with a cellphone commercial when he was nine years old. Three years later, he was cast in the movie The Way Home in 2002 as Sang Woo, a boy from the city who bonds with his grandma from the countryside. The Way Home gained a lot of popularity, and Yoo Seung Ho rose to fame as an actor.

AAAABVdhISTlVS1FusqidjQAfFog4gUaWB-9ekyz_t17gUkTIGiym4hsmd6zG6Muev-ARPR56IBhjkCyzByPDMy7kOzlH3gUtNbou1mJThe movie poster for “The Way Back Home” | CJ Entertainment

He continued acting throughout his teenage years, working in productions such as Master of Study (2010) and Operation Proposal (2012).

Operation_Love-00Actress Park Eun Bin (left) and Yoo Seung Ho (right) | TV Chosun

Even as an adult, Yoo Seung Ho continued to impress audiences with his acting in films and K-Dramas, such as lm The Magician (2015), Seondal: The Man Who Sells the River (2016), Memorist (2020), and Moonshine (2021).

MV5BZjdiMjZkOGMtNjc5Ni00ZmRiLWE1MDMtMDNmMmM4ZjhmZTAwXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjI4NDY5ODM@._V1_Actors Lee Hyeri, Byeon Woo Seok, Yoo Seung Ho, and Kang Mina (left to right) in “Moonshine” | KBS2

In March last year, it was reported that Lee Seung Ho signed with YG Entertainment.

Although Yoo Seung Ho is a beloved actor in Korea who had fans since he was a child actor, he has never appeared on a variety show. Therefore, when it was announced that he would be a guest on the long-running SBS variety show Running Man, netizens were ecstatic.

Your browser does not support video.| SBS Running Man 

On September 24, Running Man released a teaser video for the episode scheduled to air on October 1. Netizens were immediately excited to see Yoo Seung Ho in the teaser alongside fellow actors Yoo Su Bin and Kim Dong Hwi to promote their K-Drama The Perfect Deal.  

Screenshot 2023-09-25 at 7.28.11 PMKim Dong Hwi, Yoo Seung Ho, and Yoo Su Bin (left to right) | SBS Running Man

In the teaser video, the Running Man members were pleasantly surprised to find out that it was Yoo Seung Ho’s first-ever variety show appearance in his 24-year-long career. When host and comedian Yoo Jae Suk asked him if it was his first variety show appearance, Yoo Seung Ho made everyone laugh by embarrassingly answering, “There are too many cameras…

His shyness didn’t last long, as Yoo Seung Ho was seen showcasing his quirky and comedic variety show skills in the rest of the teaser.

Your browser does not support video.| SBS Running Man 

Netizens expressed their excitement at seeing the top actor’s debut on a variety show.

Screenshot 2023-09-25 at 7.21.03 PM| SBS Running Man
  • “Yoo Seung Ho is so handsome”
  • “Yoo Seung Ho, are you serious?!?!? ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
  • “Wow, Yoo Seung Ho???? I get to see him on a variety show?! So refreshing”
  • “Wow!!!!! Finally, Yoo Seung Ho will appear on ‘Running Man’ㅠㅠㅠ Crazy”
  • “Wow, Yoo Seung Ho❤❤❤❤❤ I’m so excited❤
  • “Yoo Seung Ho hasn’t been on a variety show until now??? I thought he would have appeared here and there, but this is really surprising”
  • “Wow…. Amazing!!!!! Can’t believe this is Yoo Seung Ho’s first time on a variety show!!!!! This is important!!!!!!!!”
  • “That’s insane! Yoo Seung Ho is going to come out on a variety show AND it’s ‘Running Man’?!??!! So cool. Must watch the live show”
  • “I never ever imagined I’d see Yoo Seung Ho on ‘Running Man.’ I hope the members take care of him well. Our actor is too nice”
  • “What a refreshing line-up! LOL. On top of that, Gwang Soo is even going to make a quick appearance!”
  • “Yoo Seung Ho, my ideal type!!!! I screamed when I saw the teaser!!!!❤❤❤❤
  • “I get to spend my first day of October with ‘Running Man’…???? And it looks so fun… I’m excited for next week, too… ❤????

The episode featuring Yoo Seung Ho will be released on October 1.

Watch the teaser for his Running Man episode here.


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