Weki Meki’s Doyeon Is Getting Online Hate For Revealing Her Dietary Preferences To Fans

컨텐츠 정보


With Weki Meki‘s October comeback right around the corner, Doyeon‘s past remark regarding a vegan cafe has sparked controversy online.

do3| lafilledhiver_/Instagram

In an online community, one netizen shared a screenshot of what Doyeon said on social media during a chat with a fan.

do4| lafilledhiver_/Instagram

The screenshot shows Doyeon’s remark,

A vegan cafe? Ew, I hate those.

— Doyeon


The netizen then asked fellow netizens,

What do you think about Weki Meki Doyeon’s thought about veganism?

— Netizen

do921| lafilledhiver_/Instagram

And many of those who read the post expressed that Doyeon has the right to express her own opinions.

do01| lafilledhiver_/Instagram

Some of the comments include “Why is it so bad for her to dislike something?“, “Why is this even a controversy?“, “Are celebrities not allowed to express their thoughts in public?“, and “That’s just her taste. People are so sensitive“.

do| lafilledhiver_/Instagram

On the other hand, other netizens expressed that it indeed was a controversial remark similar to Don Spike‘s controversial dislike toward cats.

do92| lafilledhiver_/Instagram

Weki Meki is set to make a comeback early next month with their mini-album, “NEW RULES.”


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