Soccer Player Son Heung Min Hilariously Throws “Shade” At Jay Park — The Artists Responds In The Most Unexpected Way

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Recently, soccer superstar Son Heung Min is going viral for his “shade” towards Jay Park, and the artist has the most iconic response to the comment.

361951973_959127368476388_7323141051351257575_nSoccer player Son Heung Min | @hm_son7/Instagram 352140569_1704110136683783_45696066716774551_nJay Park | @moresojuplease/Instagram

During a recent interview that is going viral, the hosts speak about Jay Park’s lyrics from the song “ON AIR,” which talk about the “World-class line.”

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The host points out that, in the lyrics, Jay Park gives a shoutout to some of the most influential Korean celebrities, including BTS, Oscar-winning director Bong Joon Ho, and Son Heung Min along with himself.

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Who represents us properly

That part

Let me tell you

BTS, Bong Joon Ho, Son Heung Min, Jay Park let’s go

— Jay Park, “ON AIR”

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When asked about the lyrics, Son Heung Min hilariously replied, “That’s not true,” and when prompted about whether Jay Park should be removed from that line, he added, “I think it’s reasonable.”

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After seeing the hosts’ reaction, Son Heung Min quickly clarified his comment, adding, “It was just kind of a joke.”

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While most netizens knew it was just a bit of fun and not serious, Jay Park cemented just how unserious it was after posting his own reaction on Instagram.

In a clip, while watching the video of Son Heung Min, the camera moved to Jay Park, who had a sad expression with the song “The Sound Of Silence” playing.

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Of course, it was all in fun, and after Jay Park’s reaction, Son Heung Min quickly posted his own reply, adding, “I’m sorry, I was kidding, J Park, you are world-class.”


Jay Park even replied to Son Heung Min’s reply with, “All love, u r a legend.”


Of course, it was all light-hearted, but it definitely made for some hilarious interactions between the two stars.


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