Netizens Call Out Tak Jae Hoon For “Sexually Harassing” A Fourth-Generation Female Idol — Why They Are Just As Angry At The Group’s Company

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It seems like one of the hottest events in K-Pop right now is WATERBOMB, where idols perform with water and have created some very sexy moments from both male and female artists.

screenshotBTOB’s Minhyuk at WATERBOMB ISt7Xl4eLH9fcOb3h-_znWlsGfC-1zYiKwon Eunbi at WATERBOMB

However, netizens have shared anger after the behavior of a K-Pop company after their fourth-generation idol was alleged to have been “sexually harassed,” and it’s Cigntaure‘s Jeewon.

230316-cignature-Instagram-UpdatCignature’s Jeewon | @cignature_j9/Twitter

Recently, a teaser for an upcoming video was released with Jeewon with Tak Jae Hoon.

During the video, the host explained that Jeewon was known for having one of the best physiques of an idol and linked it to the known WATERBOMB event, where artists are known to wear very different, and sometimes more revealing, outfits.

You are known to have one of the best physiques in idol history. Why didn’t you perform at WATERBOMB when your physique is such a hot issue?

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After the words were said, netizens noticed that Jeewon seemed uncomfortable and was covering her chest.

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When the video was posted, netizens couldn’t hide their anger at the disgusting comments about the idol. For many, no matter what the context was, it wasn’t something funny to say to an idol who many explained is often sexualized for her visuals.

In particular, along with the video shared by fans, the tweet with the video from the group’s page was full of angry retweets.

Yet, while the full video hasn’t been released, and it could’ve been taken out of context, the actions of Cignature’s company J9 Entertainment have made fans even angrier.

Shortly after the teaser was released, the fourth-generation group actually performed at a recent Waterbomb performance. Of course, the outfits worn by the members suited the occasion…

F34eOUcb0AE3nWYCignature at WATERBOMB, and Jeewon is on the far left | @cignature_j9/Twitter

However, netizens quickly noticed that Jeewon’s outfit was much more exposed than the others and particularly seemed to draw attention to her chest area, which was referenced in the teaser.

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It meant that netizens were even angrier at the situation with the idol.

For many, whether the comments from Tak Jae Hoon were intentionally malicious or not, in the context, it wasn’t surprising that fans were angry. The fact that Jeewon was spotted wearing such a revealing outfit only a few days later seemed poor taste, especially after the initial video got such a negative response before the event.


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