5 Most Popular K-Pop Groups In Thailand, According To Twitter

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Based on recently released data from Twitter, Thailand is the top country with the highest volume of K-Pop-related tweets. The following five K-Pop groups have the most hashtags and account mentions in Thailand from July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020.

photo-1593431418041-ffad66f21c5d| Dave Kim/Unsplash

As expected, two of these groups have a Thai member who is making waves in the industry. Check them out below!

5. NCT 127


First on the list is NCT 127. Their lovable personalities, good looks, and sheer talent have contributed to their immense international growth.

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4. EXO


EXO has been stealing the hearts of Thai EXO-Ls since their debut in 2012. They’ve visited the country several times in the past, and they’ve always received a warm welcome!

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rs_2048x1315-190402192451-e-asia-blackpink-kill-this-love-mv-teaser-1| @BLACKPINK/YouTube

BLACKPINK is undoubtedly showered with love by BLINKs in Thailand. In fact, Thai member Lisa is one of the most popular celebrities in the country.

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2. BTS


It’s no surprise that the pride of K-Pop, BTS, is second on the list. They have one of the biggest fandoms in the world, and Thai ARMYs are part of it!

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1. GOT7


In first place is no other than GOT7! They have a huge fanbase in Thailand, possibly due in part to Thai member BamBam.

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With groups as talented and endearing as these, it’s no wonder Thailand can’t get enough of them!

blackpink-lisa-thailand| @lalalalisa_m/Instagram

You can view Twitter’s infographic below:

90875-4_of_9.jpg (1)


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