ENHYPEN’s Jay & His Never-Ending Embarrassing Moments: The Real OTP

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Every K-Pop stan has their favorite OTPs (One True Pairings), but Jay x Jay might be the most entertaining one in ENHYPEN. During his time on I-LAND, Jay had many embarrassing moments that made fans love him even more. Here are 10+ of them!


1. When Jungkook dissed him in front of the whole world

In Episode 7, BTS addressed the trainees’ concerns in a Q&A session. Jay’s concern was, of course, about how to be less embarrassing. So, what did Jungkook say? “This question is gonna be one of your embarrassing moments too.” 

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2. When his mom dissed him in front of the whole world

Jay’s mom became viewers’ new favorite person after a hilarious phone call. Thanks to his test scores and ranking, Jay won the change to call a loved one as a perk. When he called his mom, she immediately asked him if he’d dropped out.

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Then she said, “You didn’t do anything weird out of trauma, did you? You already have so many embarrassing moments. There’s no trainee with so many embarrassing moments.” 

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3. When he slithered across the floor

Note: This happened after Jay’s mom told him to stop being embarrassing.

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4. When he became a weepy meme

I-LAND was an emotional roller coaster with plenty of sad moments, but Jay’s teary reaction ended up becoming meme material!

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When the I-LANDers saw it on the big screen, they burst out laughing, and so did Jay.

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5. When he did whatever this is

So, this is what a Jay fish looks like out of water!

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6. Ghosts? Big nope!

Jay is not a fan of ghosts, especially the one that haunted I-LAND. He was so freaked out that he asked Sunghoon to shower with him…

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…then attempted to exorcise the ghost by dancing

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7. Resentment. Anger. Shame.

During one heartbreaking scene, Jay volunteered for parts but was rejected over and over again. In an interview segment, he summed up his frustration with three words: resentment, anger, and shame.

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At the time, it wasn’t funny, but “resentment, anger, shame” ended up being his motto. He even worked it into his greeting for the producers. I’ll lighten up the mood with my resentment, anger, and shame. I am the brand new RAS leader, Jay!”

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8. His extra special warm-ups

Step 1: Engage every single muscle in your face. Step 2: Make siren noises. Step 3: Realize that this moment will be on the internet forever.

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9. When practiced BTS’s “DNA”

Jay lip-synced and acted out “DNA” like he in front of a mirror alone in his room, not in a training studio for everyone to see.

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10. Astronomers have discovered a new black hole. Guess where it is.

Is this a human idol-to-be or an alien testing its new disguise? We may never know.

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11. He can’t let his guard down. Ever.




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