Stray Kids’ Bang Chan Praises ITZY’s Ryujin’s “Artist Of The Month” Feature And Remembers Her Perseverance As A Trainee

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Stray KidsBang Chan and ITZY‘s Ryujin have a friendship that goes way back. The former was a JYP Entertainment trainee since 2010 and the latter was one since 2015. No matter how much time has passed, they still support each other.

Bang Chan recently watched Ryujin’s “Artist of the Month” dance video with Studio Choom. As the title suggests, only one K-Pop idol each month receives the coveted opportunity to show off their dance skills and artistry.

Your browser does not support video.Ryujin

Your browser does not support video.Bang Chan

Bang Chan commented that it was fruitful to see her hard work finally pay off. Back when they were trainees, Ryujin used to have many worries that she confided him in.

Ryujin, I’ve been with her since trainee days. We were really close. She’d tell me her thoughts, what she’s going through.

— Bang Chan

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Though his advise did not really solve anything, it helped solidify their friendship.

I tried to help a bit. It probably wasn’t that helpful but, you know, even by listening, I tried to help.

— Bang Chan

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Chan saw up close how hard Ryujin worked and how much she deserved the spotlight. Her “Artist of the Month” feature was proof that she made it as a performer, and he couldn’t be prouder!

She practiced a lot with dancing. That’s what I remember. She practiced to hard. Seeing this come up, I was like, ‘Oh, her hard work really paid off.’

— Bang Chan

ryujin pre debutRyujin Pre-Debut

_1-36 screenshotRyujin at Present | Studio Choom/YouTube

In case you haven’t seen it yet, check out Ryujin’s dance video below.


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