TWICE’s Thom Browne Stage Outfits Are Going Viral — Here’s How Much The Luxurious Looks Cost

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For their latest performance of “Scientist” at KBS Music Bank, the members of TWICE stunned in their office looks. Also featured in their teaser concept photos for their studio album Formula of Love: O+T=<3, the gorgeous outfits are none other than designer Thom Browne.

TWICE-performed-with-Thom-Browne-outfits-today-1-2048x1152| KBS K-Pop

Everyone is falling head over heels for the luxurious yet simple looks. Check out all of the girls’ outfit details below!

_0-4 screenshot| KBS K-Pop

1. Nayeon

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Each member rocks a long sleeve Thom Browne shirt and Nayeon’s comes with the hefty price tag of $425 USD.

251741598_259618076179665_6992157447282530456_nNayeon | @jypetwiceclothess/Instagram

2. Sana

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Sana’s four-piece outfit was entirely Thom Browne and in total costs upwards of $3000!

251080611_365056088744247_4666542769831674237_nSana | @jypetwiceclothess/Instagram

3. Momo

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On stage, Momo wore the 4 Bar Pencil Skirt. However, in the teaser photos, she wore the complete 4 Bar style set.

251101464_382499226954122_4383335163337329366_nMomo | @jypetwiceclothess/Instagram

4. Jeongyeon

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On stage, Jeongyeon rocked a V logo Valentino belt to accentuate her figure ($990 USD).

TWICE-Scientist-MV-Kpop-Fashion-Jeongyeon-Look-1-2Jeongyeon | Inkistyle

5. Mina

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Mina paired the Grosgrain Placket Oxford Shirt ($425 USD) with a High-waisted Pencil Skirt ($1450 USD).

TWICE-Scientist-MV-Fashion-Mina-Look-1Mina | Inkistyle

6. Jihyo

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A basic look just won’t do for Jihyo — Her Lace Up Back Button shirt ($990 USD) and Valentino pumps ($845 USD) elevate her look to the next level.

251559322_424122642395484_7628675232296259618_nJihyo | @jypetwiceclothess/Instagram

7. Dahyun

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Dahyun’s stunning cape dress shows off her curves. She accessorized with a Gancini Bracelet Watch ($794 USD).

TWICE-Scientist-MV-Fashion-Dahyun-Look-2Dahyun | Inkistyle

8. Chaeyoung

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Aside from her glasses, Chaeyoung rocks head to toe Thom Browne for over $4000 USD in total.

251663312_455619659253154_284145054035519141_nChaeyoung | @jypetwiceclothess/Instagram

9. Tzuyu

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Tzuyu’s simple but sexy look consists of three pieces — the Button Down Shirt ($550 USD), Bow Pencil Skirt ($790 USD), and Enamel Strap Block Heel Loafers ($790 USD) — that all match perfectly!

251614489_3474292739362072_422009932676482113_nTzuyu | @jypetwiceclothess/Instagram

Watch the iconic performance of “Scientist” in the luxurious looks below!


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