Netizen Analyzes BTS’s V And Jungkook’s Flawless Visual Combination And How They Enhance Each Other’s Beauty

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Both fans and non-fans are crazy for the visual combination of BTS‘s Jungkook and V. A netizen posted their reasoning of why the two compliment each other so well on an online community site and their explanation makes a ton of sense.

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O.P. dissected each of their visual attributes, explaining their strong points.

Jungkook has big eyes with thick double eyelids and a high nose with round ends, making him look pretty overall.

— O.P.

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V looks handsome in a manly way with his big eyes and high nose.

— O.P.

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While the two can look handsome or pretty depending on their look, their description of each member’s face highlights their differences that brings out the best in each other’s visuals.

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The juxtaposition of the two boys can often give fans the impression of Judy and Nick from Zootopia!

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With Jungkook’s round and innocent eyes next to V’s sharp and angular eyes, their differences are clear.

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However, the main thing that makes them work so well together is that they aren’t too different from each other.

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As a matter of fact, there are many fan edits showing off their facial harmony by creating a single face with half of V’s and half of Jungkook’s face.

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They look somewhat similar at times…

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…but also have their own individual auras they give off.

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It’s for these reasons that their visual pair is so addicting to ARMYs!

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Now everything makes sense!

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