Koreans Pick The 6 Schools With The Prettiest Uniforms — And Here Are The Celebrities That Went There

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While some may be blessed with no uniform or dress code to adhere to, most schools around the world impose a uniform on their students. Perhaps you might have seen some variations of Korean school uniforms through K-Dramas or social media, but the truth is that not all uniforms are made equal. While some are stuck with dreary outfits to wear Monday through Friday, here are some of the 6 prettiest school uniforms as chosen by Koreans themselves. In no particular order, we present to you…

1. Lila Art High

Lila Art High is famously attended by various idols such as CIX‘s Bae Jinyoung, Weki Meki‘s Lua, f(x)‘s Luna and T-ARA‘s Jiyeon. It is one of the more low key arts high schools in Seoul. Their uniform consists of yellow and navy is their primary colors. Here’s Jinyoung rocking the look.


For the female version, here’s Lua.

Screenshot 2021-11-15 at 1.37.00 AM

2. Hanlim Multi Arts High

Hanlim is one of the more famous high schools in South Korea, especially for foreign fans of K-Pop. Many idols have graduated from this school including TWICE‘s Chaeyoung, Dahyun and Tzuyu, as well as ASTRO‘s Eunwoo and Moonbin and most of ITZY.

Here’s Chaeyoung and Dahyun rocking the look. The uniform is popular for its navy and red combination as well as the fit of the jacket and pleated skirt.


Here’s Eunwoo and Moonbin. It looks like you are allowed to choose the color of the bottoms you match with the blazer and tie.


3. Chungnam Foreign Language High School

In this case, VIXX‘s Ken and Nine MusesKyungri didn’t actually attend the school but they had worn the uniforms for an event. The school is famous for their suspender pinafores for girls and neatly pressed pleats for the shirt.


4. Kyewon Arts High School

Kim Go Eun had attended this arts high school. It was said that her popularity was off the charts even back then, thanks to her innocent look. The simple red cardigan can be worn as a choice instead of the blazer.


5. School Of Performing Arts Seoul

SOPA is another famous one for its countless celebrity graduates. Girl’s Day‘s Hyeri and Suzy Bae made headlines for how perfect they looked in the uniform. Many call the uniform the “chick” uniform due to its color.


For the summer or spring uniform, you can wear just the shirt or a cardigan instead of the blazer. The stars-print tie was also popular as was the waist belt. Here’s OH MY GIRL‘s Arin in it.


Male students could layer a vest under their blazer in colder seasons. NCT‘s Mark suits the yellow so well.


6. Jeonju Arts High School

One of their most famous alumni is Girls’ Generation‘s Taeyeon. Their uniform was always known to be pretty, with the delicate ruffles and light blue color of their summer uniform.


Taeyeon gave fans a treat when she went back to her family home and realized she could still fit into her old uniform.

kha20200324012805_O_03_C_1| @taeyeon_ss/Instagram

In winter, the uniform total transforms in color scheme and style. The red and green tartan is a favorite of many Korean students. Doesn’t it look exactly like a girl group’s stage outfit?

350152_437998_1531| @taeyeon_ss/Instagram

While you might not be lucky enough to have worn one of these uniforms during your schooling days, you can always rent Korean uniforms on your next trip to the country! Many rental shops are available nationwide.

image7| Ewha Uniforms


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