The Two Ordinary Activities TWICE’s Jihyo Can’t Do Often Because She’s A Celebrity But Wants To
Although being a celebrity as successful as TWICE comes with many perks, there are still several drawbacks that can’t be avoided.
TWICE’s Jihyo
One of the most glaring drawbacks is having few opportunities to do activities that non-celebrities take for granted!
In an interview with YouTube channel Seventeen, TWICE was asked about their approach to self-care. Jihyo explained that she tries to do ordinary activities that she usually can’t do because she’s a celebrity.
I think I do things that I can’t normally do because I’m a celebrity.
— Jihyo
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One such activity is going to the supermarket, which she finds difficult to do because of her busy schedule.
For example, just going to the supermarket isn’t something we can just do during our work schedules.
— Jihyo
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It’s also rare for her to grab a bite to eat with her friends. The good news is, however, that she’s actively trying to do more of them now for the sake of her mental health!
I try to do things like that—or just going to a restaurant with my friends. That’s something that could be ordinary but isn’t for me, so I think I’m doing more of that stuff lately.
— Jihyo
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Hopefully, Jihyo can be given more time to pursue activities that she misses and loves to do.
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In the same interview, TWICE talked about the dance move that they couldn’t believe they effortlessly synchronized. Check it out below!
The TWICE Dance Move That’s So Synchronized, Even Momo And Nayeon Are Shocked