Newly-Debuted Girl Group Billlie Gains Attention For Having All Visual Members

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Formerly known as Mystic Rookies, Mystic Story Entertainment‘s first girl group Billlie has officially debuted and are going viral for their stunning visuals. According to netizens, all of the girls are gorgeous enough to be considered the visual! Get to know the 6 members of the group below.

1. Moon Sua

Born in 1999, Moon Sua is the oldest member of Billlie.

Screenshot_17| @a_us_noom/Instagram

Previously, she was a trainee under YG Entertainment for 10 years and was a member of “Future 2NE1.”


Her position is a rapper and she was once a contestant on Unpretty Rapstar 2.


2. Suhyeon

Suhyeon is known as an all-rounder.

Screenshot_4| @su_hyun1052/Instagram

She previously competed in both MIXNINE and Produce 101.


She was also the model and had a CF with the skincare brand “From Today.”


3. Haram

Haram’s position is the main vocalist and sub-dancer.

Screenshot_7| @harami_beam/Instagram

She was born on January 13th, 2001 and her representative emoji is the pink bow.

Screenshot_8| @harami_beam/Instagram

She has glamorous visuals that give her a luxurious vibe.

Screenshot_9| @harami_beam/Instagram

4. Tsuki

Tsuki is Japanese and was born on September 21, 2002.

Screenshot_10| @talways_tari/Instagram

Her main position is dancer.

Screenshot_11| @talways_tari/Instagram

She’s gaining attention for her cute and bunny-like looks!

Screenshot_12| @talways_tari/Instagram

5. Siyoon

Siyoon is both a rapper and a dancer.

Screenshot_13| @see_uniuni/Instagram

She was born on February 16th, 2005.

Screenshot_14| @see_uniuni/Instagram

Netizens have compared her visuals to Weki Meki‘s Doyeon.

Screenshot_15| @see_uniuni/Instagram

6. Haruna

Born in 2006, Haruna is the maknae of the group.

Screenshot_16| @billlie.official/Instagram

Her official positions are listed as dancer and visual.

Billlie_Haruna_The_Billage_of_Perception_-_Chapter_One_concept_photo_1| @billlie.official/Instagram

She only joined Mystic Story Entertainment in 2021.

Billlie_Haruna_The_Billage_of_Perception_-_Chapter_One_concept_photo_2| @billlie.official/Instagram

Check out their debut music video “RING X RING” below!


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