“Squid Game” Actor Anupam Tripathi Planned To Return To India For Good—Here’s What Changed His Mind

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Indian actor Anupam Tripathi (who played Ali in Netflix‘s Squid Game) was recently interviewed by Girls’ Generation‘s Tiffany for YouTube channel Mobidic.

tiffany and aliTiffany (left) and Anupam Tripathi (right) | @tiffanyyoungofficial/YouTube

The two visited Anupam’s school in Seoul, Korea National University of Arts, and took a stroll around the beautiful campus grounds.

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As they conversed, Anupam revealed that he is very fond of talking walks because it helps him clear his mind and think of new ideas.

Taking a walk is one of my routines. It helps me clear my head, and at times, it helps me come up with some new and fresh ideas. I wait and some ideas and dreams pop up in my head while walking.

— Anupam

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The most life-changing idea he came up with while walking was to stay in Korea! His original plan was to return to India after graduating, but he had a thought that good things were to come for him if he stayed.

I was supposed to go back to India after graduation for good. But one day, taking a walk got me thinking, ‘Anupam, stay in Korea! Something good will happen to you soon.

— Anupam

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Tiffany was shocked to hear that he thought of that while walking, and he explained that it was as if it “came from somewhere else.

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The voice in his head was completely correct because it didn’t take long before he was offered many acting roles! “Indeed, I had chances to join several films and plays after that,” he said.

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As Squid Game viewers would know, Anupam was given the role of a lifetime when he portrayed Ali, a Pakistani migrant worker in South Korea.

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If he didn’t take a walk that day, he may not have joined the cast of Squid Game and risen to the widespread fame that he enjoys today!

Ali in Squid GameAli in “Squid Game” | Netflix


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