BTS’s Jungkook Takes His Dog Bam On A Walk, But Bam Is Adorably Distracted By Jimin And J-Hope

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BTS Jungkook‘s dog, Bam, loves his uncles very much!

jk and bam yet againBTS’s Jungkook and Bam | BTS/Weverse

On the latest episode of BTS In the SOOP 2, Jungkook and Bam were relaxing together in their room. Jungkook noticed that Bam kept looking outside through the glass door, so he asked Bam if he wanted to go outside.

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Jungkook could tell that Bam wanted to play outside, so he brought him out for a walk.

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They walked side by side for a while.

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Bam was so thrilled to be having fun outside with his dad that he started jumping around!

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Along the way, they ran into Jimin, who had just woken up. Once Jimin came outside, Bam eagerly ran over to him. Jimin happily petted the adorable dog.

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J-Hope went outside after washing up, and Bam was just as happy to see him! He ran over to J-Hope’s side with his tail wagging.

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Looks like Bam loves the BTS members just as much as they love him!





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