Aespa’s Giselle Apologizes For Mouthing Racial Slur

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Aespa‘s Giselle has apologized after it was noticed that she mouthed a racial slur while singing along to a song.

In a statement shared in English on aespa’s Twitter account, she apologized for her actions, and vowed to continue to better herself in the future.

Hello, this is GISELLE. I would like to apologize for mouthing the wrongful word from the lyrics of the song that was playing on-site. I had no intentions of doing it with any purpose and got carried away when one of my favorite artist’s song was played. I sincerely apologize.

I will continue to learn and be more conscious of my actions.

— Giselle

Earlier, Giselle was seen mouthing a racial slur in a behind the scenes video for the filming of aespa’s “Savage” music video.

SM Entertainment Privates aespa Video After Outcry Over Giselle Mouthing A Racial Slur


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