Here Are The Extreme Methods Han So Hee Used To Prepare For Her Role In “My Name”

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After the success of the Netflix series Squid Game, another K-Drama has quickly seen rising fame, and that is My Name, starring the likes of Han So Hee, Ahn Bo Hyun, and many more. The drama is a hard-hitting action flick about a girl determined to find her father’s killer.

My-Name-Poster1Poster for “My Name” | Netflix

Yet, alongside making waves, another thing that has caught viewers’ attention is the change of pace for leading actress Han So Hee. After starring in shows like NeverthelessThe World Of Married, and many more, this role is worlds away and took a lot more preparation to get into the character of Yoon Ji Woo.

MY-NAME-NETFLIX-REVIEWHan So Hee’s character in “My Name” | Netflix

In the past, Han So Hee already revealed gained 22 pounds for her role. But, it seems as if it went a lot further than that. In a special behind-the-scenes featurette for The Swoon, the cast shared some of the things fans could expect from the show. 

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In particular, Han So Hee shared one of the ways she prepared for some of the more hard-hitting and violent scenes, and it definitely showcases her dedication as an actress.

We always use guns and knives. I always carried a knife so that I could get used to it.

— Han So Hee

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Han So Hee explained that, although playing her role was key, her most important priority was ensuring that the cast did not get injured during her action scenes. She explained, “I was practicing a lot not just to protect myself but not to hurt anyone and finish the project safely.

During the press conference, it was also revealed that while the cast attended an action school for two months, she stayed and practiced for an extra month to safely do the stunts and scenes.

FBu0u6fVkAYpQdhHan So Hee at the action school

Yet, it isn’t just fans who have praised Han So Hee for her preparation for the show. During the same video, her fellow cast members Park Hee Soon, and Ahn Bo Hyun couldn’t stop praising how much work she had put into immersing herself in the role.

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Although many might not have fully appreciated Han So Hee in Nevertheless, there is no denying that her dedication and passion showcases her love for acting. It also has the potential to sky-rocket her into global fame only a few years after making her acting debut.

You can watch the whole video below.


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