A K-Pop Dance Group Got Attacked With Racist Abuse — Here’s What Happened

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K-Pop is meant to be an industry that unites people from across the world. It can provide a form of escapism from the harsh and an outlet for fans to express their feelings. It has also allowed fans to make friends with those with similar mindsets.

Recently, a TikTok video from a dance group has gone viral, but not for the reasons you would think. K-Pop dance group HUSH CREW are known for their amazing covers. The group was recently covering STAYC‘s song “Stereotype.”

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Member Celena Mai then posted a TikTok named with the caption in the video “POV: you get attacked for being Asian while doing [K-Pop] in public.” The shared footage showed a man being very aggressive towards the members, swearing at them and pushing the camera from Celena’s hands.

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Although the initial video didn’t give a lot of context about what happened, Celena posted a follow-up video sharing the full story of what happened.

She explained that the man approached them while they were in between takes. She added that some members wear masks for protection when they aren’t dancing as the public often speaks to them.

When he first approached us, we were kind of like not thinking too much of it, which is why I didn’t get the first half of the clip. I didn’t think he was going to do anything crazy. But he came up to us asking, ‘Why are you guys wearing masks?’

— Celena Mai

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Celena then added that, at first, she thought he was joking, but when he started talking about Communism, it was only then that she realized he was being racist.

But then he started talking about Communism, and that’s when it hit us that he was being racist towards us because we were Asian people wearing masks. It’s Communism, like Asian.

— Celena Mai

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She then went on to explain how she started filming when he started getting aggressive. It was at this moment that the man started “swiping” at both Celena and the camera.

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Celena then discussed the comment section of the previous video, where there were some comments about the issue.

Some of those comments discussed how it was deemed racist as the man never mentioned the term Asian and that he was a POC. Many also stated how she was just saying half the story. She replied to these in the clip.

His race has nothing to do with this clip. It’s literally just about how we got singled out just because we were wearing masks and just because of Communism because there was a bunch of other people around us who were also wearing masks. However, for some reason, he approached us.

— Celena Mai

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Yet, the majority of comments were in support of Celena and the dance crew, condemning the man for his racist remarks. Many also applauded the person who eventually came to help Celena and her boyfriend.

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You can watch the whole video below.


we have the right to wear masks like how he has the right to be ugly tf #stayc #stereotype #kpopinpublic #harrassed #asian #covid #kpop #kpopfyp

♬ stereotype x dalla dalla – .


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