BLACKPINK Lisa’s Favorite Dessert Is All Thanks To Her Dad, A Professional Chef

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There are a slew of delicious desserts in the world, but BLACKPINK‘s Lisa has a specific favorite, and it even has a special memory linked to it!

In an interview with Complex, Lisa was asked, “What is the GOAT dessert?

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After thinking for a moment, she chose chocolate mousse…

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…and her reason is so sweet! As a child, Lisa’s dad often made it for her.

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My dad used to make it for me when I was young.

— Lisa 

Marco Brüschweiler is a Swiss-born professional chef who married Lisa’s mom when Lisa was a young child.

Marco Brüschweiler Marco Brüschweiler, Lisa’s stepfather

It’s been several years since he first made the dessert for her, but she still considers it her favorite.

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Since then, I’ve really liked chocolate mousse.

— Lisa 

As a world renowned chef, we can only imagine that the chocolate mousse Lisa’s dad whipped up for her was delicious!

hZcmx8YLisa’s Instagram Story with her dad | @lalalalisa_m/Instagram

Learn more about her dad in the article below.

Meet The Dad Of BLACKPINK’s Lisa — A World Renowned Chef


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