BTS’s V Is A Huge Fan Of Grammy Winning Jazz Singer Kurt Elling, And It Seems Like The Feeling Is Mutual

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When it comes to musicians worldwide, no matter what genre they are in, many have shared their love for BTS and the messages shared through their music.

With their dedication to music, ability to send words of hope through their lyrics, and charming personalities, it is no surprise that everyone seems to be falling in love with the group.

FAs95wAX0AAStcGMembers of BTS | @bts_bighit/ Twitter

Recently musician and Grammy winner Kurt Elling seems to have joined that list. In particular, Kurt seems to have been vocal about sharing his love for member V!

KurtElling_18_by_ElliotMandelJazz musician Kurt Elling | Sony Music

Recently, a fan commented on one of Kurt Elling’s Instagram pictures with some kind words about the jazz musician and shared her desire for a collaboration between the two. Although the ARMY might not have expected a reply, Elling did comment back saying, “Thanks, I hope the same,” with a purple love heart!

FBU15A_VIAIgZL9| @BoleynRoyalist/ Twitter

Although it is always exciting for ARMYs when they see other artists praising the group and its members, this one was also significant because of the significance to V himself.

In an interview with Variety, the members were asked what music they were listening to and, in particular, if there was anyone they wanted to collaborate with, and V picked Kurt Elling!

Kurt Elling is someone who has the vibes I really like — someone I’d like to collaborate with.

— BTS’s V

BTS_V_Butter_concept_photo_2BTS’s V | BigHit Entertainment

Yet, it isn’t the first time Elling has shared his willingness to collaborate with V or his appreciation for the kinds of words that V had to say about him in the interview. One ARMY shared the article with Elling, and he posted it on his story, sharing just how much that it meant to him in the caption.

In the post, Elling wrote, “Waking up to a handsome greeting from V – Kim Taehyung. Collaborations of music and hope are always welcome.

FBSTGDOX0AEygSR| @realkurtelling/ Instagram

With V’s unique and velvet tone, there is no denying that a track alongside Kurt Elling would be a match made in heaven. It would also be huge for V, especially considering how much of a fan he is of him. In the meantime, make sure to listen to V showcase his voice in the OST for Itaewon Class.


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