SHINee’s Key Meets An ’08 Liner Whose Mom Played “Replay” While Pregnant With Her

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SHINee‘s Key was in for a surprise when he met two students born in 2008 — the same year SHINee debuted!

243804251_447527379984904_1686557892736475649_nKey (left) and Jaejae (right). | @happy_jae_jae/Instagram

Key appeared on Jaejae‘s show MMTG where he acted as a teacher to Jaejae and two students, Kim Ha Yoon and Park Sa Rang. While meeting the two students, Jaejae asked them a bit about themselves. Kim revealed that her mother used to play SHINee while pregnant with her!

Your browser does not support video.Park Sa Rang, Kim Ha Yoon, and Jaejae. | MMTG/YouTube 

The particular song was none other than “Replay,” SHINee’s debut song released in May 2008! Jaejae was shocked to hear this and explained that while they were still not born yet, she was in high school when “Replay” was released.

Your browser does not support video.| MMTG/YouTube 

But no one was more surprised to hear about this than Key! He wiped away a tear with one of his papers while trying to process the fact that “Replay” was the two students “prenatal music.”

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He even shouted out, “No way!

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Kim and Park are in 7th grade now, and Key couldn’t believe how much they have grown in the time since “Replay” came out. Though the song is 13 years old today, it’s definitely a timeless classic!

Your browser does not support video.| MMTG/YouTube 

Check out the video below to see more of Key’s interactions with the two ’08 liners.


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